Michelle & Trey
I was born in Winter Haven and was raised throughout my youth in Auburndale, Lake Alfred, Winter Haven. Between BMX, tennis, and the abundance of lakes, I was always outside. Lake Wales and Babson Park became part of my life in my early teens and are still where I call home today. After graduating with my Bachelor’s degree from Webber International University I followed my dream of working in the tennis world and coached at Webber for the next few years. When I met my wife, I decided to take a different route and started working outside of sport. This would hold true for the next seven years until the allure of coaching tennis came calling again. Having the opportunity to be the head tennis coach for both the men’s and women’s team at Webber was very cool and it allowed me to e close to my wife & very young daughter since we lived in Babson Park. After two years at Webber the opportunity came to become the men’s tennis coach at Florida
Southern College. This led to an amazing ten years in Lakeland. When Michelle started working in
the real estate world the possibility of working together became something we both thought we might
enjoy. In June of 2017 I hung up the tennis shoes for dress shoes & have been working with Michelle
since then. We look forward to being in the community for the next many years & serving the
community the best ways we know.
Born and raised in East Polk County, I was fortunate to grow up enjoying the lakes, attractions, and beautiful weather that this area boasts. Sticking around the Central Florida community, I received my Bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida as a commuter student while beginning my life with Trey. While satisfying a degree requirement, I shadowed an elementary school teacher…and I fell in love with teaching. I spent the next 12 years teaching elementary school which worked out perfectly, as Trey and I were soon blessed with our daughter, Brianna. The education system started with some disheartening changes and I decided
to retire from that career while I still had wonderful memories. I went on to earn my Master’s Degree in
Business Administration from Warner University and then acquired my Real Estate license. I have now
been working in real estate sales and property management in the East Polk County area since 2013,
earning my Broker’s License in 2018. It has been an incredible experience getting to work with a
variety of people, in various locations, with an array of different properties. I look forward to working
with the members of our community for many years to come!

Our OFFICE NINJA is the best! As our assistant to everything, Kelsey answers the phones, solves problems, gets the right info to the right person, and takes great care of our customers (along with a very long list of other tasks). Yet, most of Kelsey's work goes unseen (hence the ninja nickname). When Kelsey is not working her fingers to the bone with us, she enjoys gaming and spending time with her husband and three boys!